From May 1-5, 2023, CINDAQ assisted Dr. Luisa Falcón (Senior Researcher of Bacterial Ecology, Institute of Ecology, UNAM, Mérida) in her ongoing studies of microbialite communities in Cenote Azul located in the town of Bacalar.
Bacalar is located just north of the Mexico/Belize border in southern Quintana Roo, and is the gateway to Laguna Bacalar. The laguna is a narrow body of freshwater that extends 42 km from north to south. While Cenote Azul is one of five reported sinkholes in this area, it appears to be the only one not directly within, or connected to, the laguna. This is surprising as it is only meters away from the lakes shore.
This project provided an opportunity to bring together researchers from Mexico, Canada and the United States representing six academic institutions (UNAM Merida, CINVESTAV, ECOSUR, Tecnológico de Chetumal, McMaster University, The University of North Carolina) in the hopes of fostering closer working relationships between all involved and a better understanding of microbialite communities and their presence and distribution in cenotes and caves in Quintana Roo.
Over three days of diving, CINDAQ provided diving support and expertise to collect microbialite samples, water samples and YSI water chemistry profiles at depths of 20m, 30m, 40m, 50m, 60m, and 71m. Additionally, CINDAQ team members were able to document underwater collection sites with video, photos and photogrammetric models, as well as the surface with drone maps and imagery. An afternoon of community outreach coordinated by Dr. Falcón and Prof. Martin Maas of el Colegio de Bachilleres Bacalar allowed the researchers and the CINDAQ team to interact with 50 local high school students.
This project was a great success and has paved the way to continue and expand the scope of Dr. Falcón’s research across the region.
Video - Microbiology in the Cenote Azul
Following video offers an overview of the project, with an interview of Dr. Luisa Falcon, offering an introduction into the fascinating world of Microbialites.
Project report
Following project summarizes the tasks completed by the CINDAQ team, as well as the dives executed. It also provides a broader context in terms of project objectives, logistics and partners, as well as diving-specific considerations.
Site map : Sampling areas, Video recordings & Photogrammety models
Following map of Cenote Azul is showing the location of microbialite & water samples, as well as video material available.

Microbialites - Photogrammetry models - Point clouds
Click on one of the buttons below to display the point clouds generated for the photogrammetry models of the Microbialites sites shown in the map above.